Artificial Intelligence

AI is a huge umbrella of various branches of Computer Science. It deals with building smart machines that are capable of performing tasks that typically require human intervention. With AI, businesses can focus on Automation, increased productivity and effective performance.

Transforming the video industry with artificial intelligence

Transforming the video industry with artificial intelligence

Introduction The emergence of Artificial Intelligence has tremendously transformed the video industry. AI tools can analyze videos frame by frame and recognize objects in them to add tags to them. AI-based media platforms can then organize their video assets and make them discoverable for consumers. Leading streaming platforms are already using these tools to deliver…

The Potential of AI in Human Resource Management (HRM)

The Potential of AI in Human Resource Management (HRM)

While AI is becoming more popular in other areas of life, it is not yet widely deployed in HR. Using AI in HR to make processes more efficient and effective is possible. For instance, AI can recognize patterns in the voice tone of employees and detect employees’ moods. Cognitive decision-makers can use this data in…

How AI Copywriting Become So Essential?

How AI Copywriting Become So Essential?

AI Copywriting Tools have been around for some time, but these latest tools, called AI Long Form Assistants, are changing how we write content. These new AI programs can create almost anything you need, from sales pages to promotional copy. But the real question is, how does AI work in copywriting? This article will explore…

Top Must-Know AI business Trends for 2021 and beyond

Top Must-Know AI business Trends for 2021 and beyond

Business trends are changing the face of trading. Artificial intelligent software programs are changing how that we trade for better results and in the long run. Businesses are moving from hiring people to using artificial intelligence to make decisions and even trade. In order to get ahead of the competition, businesses have to be ahead…

Latest AI Tech you should know in 2021

Latest AI Tech you should know in 2021

When it comes to AI, the future is definitely not known yet. However, if you are a technology enthusiast, it is time that you became familiar with the latest AI technology that is out in the market today. It has been estimated that by 2021 there will be artificial intelligent computers that are as smart…

Benefits of Face Recognition Software with Python

Benefits of Face Recognition Software with Python

There are many benefits of face-recognition software with Python. This recognition software program is easy enough to use for any new computer user or for someone who has worked with computers for a while and is comfortable with computer programs. Most of the programs work with basic computer technology, but there is enough flexibility in…